Friday, November 28, 2008

a little twilight adventure

lala i'm done with part 1 exam
part 2 in 3 weeks or so
so, njoy la dulu
kes kes kes

PE was excellent, i finished in 4 mins out of 6 mins allocated
tests for cruciate ligaments and straight leg raising test and also cross positive straight leg raising test
bykla la plak tanye soklan examiner tuh but i manage to answer all
so yeay to me!
anatomy was a whole different story all together
i can remember almost everything but just as i step into the lab, everything just vaporize into thin air *sigh*
think i didn't socialize enuf with the cadaver over the weekend

so in order to keep my frustration at bay
i came home n bake banana + pecan + chocolate chip muffin
yum yummy yum

then i load in three weeks worth of laundry while spring cleaning the room dat would put tongkang pecah to shame for the last few weeks
then tgh syiok vacumming, the electricity went off!!!
but the funny part it's only my room, Day-o's room n the kitchen part!
but it's a major glitch in the fuse box n everything went back to normal again *peace*

me have to miss twilight premier the week before due to exam
so i rope in Ziah for sum vampire love story~
we left the hse at 6pm to catch the 640pm show
little dat we know sum genius decide to set fire along the 7 ave, halting the train going into n out of downtown
wes, aku nk g tgk movie nih! grrrr!!!
we end up missing the 640pm show n have 3 hrs to kill before the next show

the theater was almost empty
given dat it's been a week since the premier and it is the last show of the nite
yeah, no midnite movies here booo!

the movie isn't dat good but it isn't dat bad either
with all the hype about it, you would expect it to be more
bet the book is better
if u expecting a vampire in action kinda Underworld movie, forget it
but if u wanna watch cheesy teenager love story movie, then go
but EDWARD CULLEN is one HOT vampire!
n the volvo he's driving?
to die for!!!!

-spoiler warning-
i love the scene when she found out what he is and he reveal to her why he avoided sunlight
n the part he took her up the trees n plays the piano
the scene when the Cullens are playing baseball? totally cool!!!
might i add the nicely accompanying Supermassive Black Hole number from Muse makes it super duper cool
Edward juge sgt cool mase pakai shades when he drives Bella to school
ahhh jatuh chentaaaa okkkk!!!

we missed the last bus on the way back n have to walk from the train station
across the McMahon stadium n couple of blocks of houses
well, we didn't exactly missed the bus
it did come with the little sign saying OUT OF SERVICE *wtf*

now am finally home n ready to go to slumberland
am loving the wonderful smell of freshly laundried beddings
i shall drift to the world of dreams with edward in it
nite nite

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